A person who prefers solitude over company. Even though these people don't like society a lot, they can be one of the most interesting characters in a person's life. They are mysterious, self-sufficient which means they don't need anyone so it is a very rare case when an introvert will not need but want someone because they want that person in their life. Introverts also love to talk about subjects they're strong in and caring for other people's feelings but hate small talk. They are the quiet people in a party that they have been most probably dragged into so don't be afraid to give them a smile once in a while because who knows if that person can be your one true person who understands you
Extrovert: Why don't you like talking that much?
Introvert: You wouldn't get it. (epic meme lol)
by Triangle Jerry Memelord November 16, 2019
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A person that needs solitude and an inner sanctum to survive. A thoughtful person that is lonely due to extroverts taking all the boys/girls that they like.

I am a serious introvert. The last time I was home alone for 8 hours was the happiest time I had experienced for months.

The lonelyless

I have lost about 3 girls so far because they all have extroverted boyfriends+/ are not interesting in introverts. I am thinking, shit! Why am I the only one not let in on the lovefest? It's cold in my mind, yet no one cares.


Extroverts, give us a break. We spend most of our days putting up with your loudness and excessive flamboyance. I don't want to go out more. I need to stay in more before I lose my mind! If I could find a nice attractive girl willing to have a quiet, compassionate, loving relationship, I would be much happier.
by inamatius November 23, 2008
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someone that wants to be left the fuck alone. seriously it's annoying.
introvert means:
fuck you
by apostrophii April 30, 2020
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To become more introverted in social situations.
"Hey, do you wanna go to the mall later?"
"No thanks, I'm introverting."
by Aislinnbear95 April 3, 2015
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the act or process being an introvert.
Frank:"Man Johnny has been to the last Three party's I threw" Charlie: "Introvertism is a way of life for that guy"
by John the Introvert March 22, 2020
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This extraverted guy wouldn't shut the fuck up, so I pulled my pants down and introverted in his face. That 'll shut him up.
by Praetore March 15, 2017
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a person who is shy and reticent
mark is such an introvert, we need to take him out more often
by ray Pimmer April 16, 2018
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