Elin is usually quite short but pretty. She has well defined features and generally dark hair. Elin can be very smart, but finds maths and science boring, rather enjoying the creative subjects like art, music and drama. Elin aspires to get a job in something she loves, such as being an actress, and is willing to achieve it no matter how unrealistic others may think it is. She also generally enjoys adventure shows and movies, or action and supernatural.

Elin is confident, easy going, always hyper and can be absolutely crazy. She always tries to put others before herself and gives quite good advice where she can, especially when it comes to relationships.

Elin has a large number of friends, but she has one specific best friend.

Elin can be sarcastic, sassy and witty, but also fun, sweet and sentimental.
Friend 1: did you see Elin in that musical theatre performance?

Friend 2: yeah! She was so confident!
by Elinched12 November 27, 2020
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A swedish girl who likes people named Valdemar, Sture and everybody who happens to be of the male sex.
Probably blonde, a virgo, pretty short. Often has a brunette best friend who is better than her.
I think that girl is an Elin.

Oh really?

Well she sure looks like one
by Drakpappa420 June 8, 2019
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Stop being such an Elin. Quit the trash-talk!
by Phillister November 30, 2021
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Elin is a true friend that never let's anyone down. She loves music but can also be a sport geek. Many people says that Elin looks nice and she is very self concious.

She has very strong opinions and she does not let anyone play with her or her feelings. She does not let anyone push her down and Elin stands up for herself.
Elin is not a very big fan of school but she still has good grades.

It is not very easy for Elin to get feelings for someone but she does have a crush. She is very romantic

You could say "Elin is a very good friend, but a very bad enemy".

People often love Elin!
Person 1: wow, she just go through the room like a queen, she seems sure about what she wants
Person 2: she must be an Elin
by thesweetlife December 11, 2016
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Elin is a sweet, nice and friendly girl. She's the friend you can always trust and share all your secrets with without being afraid she will ever tell anyone.

People often thinks that she's beautiful and Elin loves to hear that, but that doesn't mean she's selfish. Elin does very often but other people before herself.

When it comes to love, Elin does not have very easy to get feelings for others, but she does have a crush. But if you want to keep Elin you got to give her much attention and she loves to hear "I love you" often.
Elin is very self concious and she lets nobody play with her or her feelings.

Elin is a very good friend but a bad enemy.
Many people likes Elin and she's most of the time lovely to everyone!
Person 1: "Wow, she just walk through the room like a queen"
Person 2: "She knows what she's doing, she's got to be an Elin"
by thesweetlife December 11, 2016
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Elin is a very smart girl. She's usually tall, or short, and can be quiet but also bold at the same time. Elin is usually good at sports and is sick and tired of people mispronouncing her name! A lot of people wish to be friends with Elin!
Wow! That girl is such an Elin, excellent in every way!
by July 17, 2022
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Its just a "Celine" who is doing that trend
Celine: hmmm

Celine:ooH a trend
*tries it*
by Iwanttoeatbakedpotatos September 8, 2021
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