A gamemode on the greatest minecraft server ever Hypixel that the staff seem to forget about for years at a time. When they finally remember they created this great gamemode with absolutely no cheaters and no lag they give it an update that usually involves removing something. Games include Classic, UHC, Skywars, Sumo, Blitz, Megawalls, Bridge, Bow, Parkour, Boxing, NodeBuff, Combo, OP, and TNT.
You play Hypixel Duels, wow you're such a virgin.
by gritters November 6, 2021
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A stool duel is when you’re fucking someone in the ass and you feel poop poking you back.
Hey man, I was fucking this girl in the ass last night and I felt poop poking me back on the dick. Rather than pull out I decided to fight the poop back in and have a stool duel!
by sick mo'fo May 15, 2022
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Spanish word. Me = to me and Duele = causes pain.
by Tristan February 23, 2004
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1) a TCG eaisly reconised, to be based around magic: the gathering
2) an anime, which, points out that is a tv show, and makes numerous references to past episode, as episodes, giving it a comedy value
3) not a yu gi oh rip off, and as a yu gi fan i can say this eaisly, yu gi, came out, and was popular, the demand 4 another card game based show, was high, therefore DM came out,the anime is a completely different style, and so is the card game, so before, u fuckwits bash it for being a "rip off" get ur facts str8 (ppl like this, are the 1's who claimed digimon, was a rip off of poke'mn <which i also love/d> even the the basic idea, of digimon was out 3 years b4 the poke'mon was made)
4) on this date of 13 oct 2004, it is the number 1 TCG in Japan
Kettou Da! - "I challenge you!"
Yoshi!- "I accept!"
Ikuzo! - "I'm ready!"
Koi! - "Bring it on!"
Ike! - "Attack!"
Todome Da! - "The killing blow!"
by thethongofanime October 13, 2004
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A duel in the old western style, with two duelists and a mediator. The two duelists take ten steps in opposite directions before the duel commences, just like a classic gun duel. But instead of turning and firing on the moderator's command, the moderator throws up a penny in the air. The two duelists then rush to the center and fight for the pennny. The duelist who holds the penny at the end is the winner.
I challenge you to a jewish duel.
by Joey Pitchfork August 14, 2006
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1. A fight between two indestructible warriors

2. A PvP MMORPG developed by Epic Inventions and acquired by Artix Entertainment. Many people in this game record their pwnage onto Youtube.
1. Mike Tyson vs Mohammed Ali would be an epic duel

2. Johnny: What are you doing?
Ysrome: Playing Epic Duel and uploading my kills onto Youtube.
by JulioRevka March 6, 2011
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Sexual act in which two women take turns giving one man head.
"They were both trying to suck my dick! They were playing dueling faces."
by P-Money315 January 5, 2010
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