unfortunate; unlucky; lacking; being without something
I have run out of drugs, it's dry.
Your car was stolen? That's dry.
The party was over when we got there, it was dry.
Dryness! (exclamation of disappointment)
by jamie September 22, 2002
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In Scotland, it's dry if it's not raining. It could have been raining for days on end but as soon as it stops it's classed as being dry.
Look, the rain's stopped. It's dry now.
by Sparky22 May 8, 2005
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On Facebook, when you simultaneously have NO new friend requests, NO new inbox messages, and NO new notifications. Upper left blue bar of your Facebook page displays NO RED next to "Friends," "Messages," or "Notifications" icons. Can be a bummer if you expected, or were just hoping for some red.
by talkstoangels November 29, 2010
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to be drunk and high (usually on marijuana) at the same time
yo im so dry i just drank a 40 and smoked 3 bowls of pot
by sd December 6, 2004
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Thas dry man, meaning oh thats really bad
by Joe December 8, 2003
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An insult, or to point out someone else has been insulted or offended, when used in the context:
by J Hall April 3, 2003
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A joke that is not funny and therefore lame.
Mark: Why did the chicken cross the road?
Roger: I don't know
Mark: To get to the other side!
Roger: Did it just get dry in here?
by Savona December 21, 2006
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