1.to have foul breath
2.to push off a strong redolance when you talk
dang homie! you got the dragon. here's a tick tak
by Hipityhopitymtea May 24, 2003
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Fire-breathing creatures with large bat-like wings, scaly bodies, four legs, and a head, sometimes two. Thought to be around since dinosaur times.
Me:Dragons are real!!! I saw one yesterday when I was drunk!!!
by BLOODY REVENGE July 3, 2005
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When a guy drags his balls across a girls face.
by lilpeanuts July 11, 2011
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After giving a blowjob, the woman takes the load in her mouth, then immediately sneezes or in some way willingly forces the semen back out through her nostrils, making it look like a dragon breathing flames. This is typically accentuated with a grunt or a roaring sneeze for added effect.
Guy: "Yo man, you get with Sam yet?"

Dude: "Yea man, she gave me the the dragon."

Guy: "No shit?"

Dude: "Yea she roared and breathed all over my junk. I survived."

Guy: "Lucky!"
by KCTC March 6, 2008
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when some chick is giving you a bj and you push her head right down onto your dick just as you shoot, and your dick is so far in her mouth the spunk comes out of her nose.
"Dude, the other day this girl I know sneezed, and some white stuff came out. She must have been dragonned!"

"Man, this chick was so ungrateful when I dragonned her, she hocked it back up and spat it in my eye!"
by St George January 9, 2005
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(v) 1)to be devoured by a dragon 2)to be trod or otherwise physically crushed by a dragon 3)to be caught in a fireball 4)to be transformed into a dragon 5)to be molested by a dragon
Lost Thought was fatally dragoned on his way home from Bingo last night.
by E. Die April 28, 2006
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