20th of April national dick pic day. If your friend, girlfriend, or girl asks you for a dick pick you gotta do it.
Girl-hey it’s national dick pic day you know what that means.
Boy-ok Her you go😉
by Rikishi April 20, 2020
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Sept 13th, send a dick pic or ask for a dick pic because it is national dick pic day, in honor of pride in your package.
by DudeFG September 13, 2018
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everyday .

if u get sent this you owe them a dick pic immediately.
yoooo my girl just sent me this !! guess im gonna have to send a dick pic ! immediately! right at this second because it is national send a dick pic day !
national send a dick pic means send one . right now.
by twinkletoes54 October 29, 2020
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All guys must send a dick pick to whoever asks for it
Mia: hey john its national dick pic day uk what to do!
by MELO-THE-ASS-EATER November 18, 2020
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National Unsolicited Dick pic day takes place August 29th of every year. It’s a holiday in which men take photos of their penis and send them to women without regards for their feelings.
Guy 1: Hey man did you hear that today is National Unsolicited Dick pic day?
Guy 2: today? I thought it was yesterday. I sent Joanna a picture with flash and she didn’t respond.

Guy 1: yesterday? Dude that’s so culturally insensitive.
by Alfred Long cock August 30, 2019
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November 29 was the day that tom hollands dick was leaked on his instagram
Jacob: Oh my god do you know what day it is?
Gram: no what is it?

by yourdailydoesofstupidity January 20, 2022
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In the week from April 20-26 the homies have to send AT LEAST ONE dick pic to each other.
Friend 1: *sends friend 2 a dick pic*
Friend 2: what the fuck is wrong with you man?
Friend 1: “it’s national send a dick pic to the homies week man.”
Friend 2: “oh, my bad.” *sends a dick pic back*
by willy1646 April 23, 2020
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