A Netflix series about a huge robot made of five smaller robot lions. These are piloted by teenagers that are fighting the evil Zarkon in an attempt to save the universe.
by excessoffandoms December 18, 2016
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A joke made by English comedian Jack Whitehall. After seeing Robert Mugabe being interviewed, it is said that Whitehall's father errupted at the television stating that Mugabe was 'an odious c*nt'.
His Mother then spins round from the kitchen sink and screams for him to shut up and 'NEVER..EVER use that language infront of his children!' to which his Father repies:

'That's just TYPICAL of you Hilary.. ALWAYS DEFENDING MUGABE'.

To be used when some one has missed the point of a person's rant or explosion of explict language or just when some one has expressed controversial or offensive opinions.
Thats just TYPICAL of you, Hilary... ALWAYS DEFENDING MUGABE
by Shamumofo August 8, 2011
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The slogan for the band Man Overboard.

Started out as a joke from this band called The Effort. They had the exact same logo and slogan except it was "Destroy Pop Punk." Man Overboard jokingly turned it into Defend instead and now it's a warcry for kids who love pop punk everywhere.
by Ijustwantmybikeback November 2, 2011
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When your receiving and ass-whopping of such a high caliber that a spectator must instruct you on how to "DEFEND YO SELF"
when your watching a fight and one of the fighters is basically a punching bag and you must shout "Defend yo Self" man!!!!!
by the aveeenger January 25, 2012
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A strange and insane person who has a very peculiar obession over Secret Squirrel, Cyborg 009, Earthbound, sugar, and likes the videogame character Ness. Unforunely the person doesn't like Sailor Moon.
That Defender Moon usually likes to play Earthbound all day.
by Crystal Maskuia September 17, 2003
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Best boy who hacks into everything in the name of justice

He'll protect you from any other hacker
He is secretly sad
MC: 707 defender of justice please help me
707: *suddenly appears in front of MC*
MC: i love you
707: I'm dangerous

MC: i love you anyways

~Good Ending~
by Some fellow Toast February 1, 2021
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Some poor schmuck was given the sad job of defending poor private fools against acts of larceny perpetrated by the entirety of the general public. He seldom has the integrity to look his client in the eyes because he knows the public always treads on the private.
The importance we place on justice can always be measured by the amount of resources given to the postmodern Public Defender in proportion to the amount of resources given to the Attorney General.
by Spiritual-Master December 11, 2021
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