Really overrated rock star with a gay voice and really shitty music. Listen to some real rock like... oh wait rock is gay. METAL BIATCH! \m/\m/
david bowie sounds like a fairy
by ROFLWAFFLE November 10, 2005
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Verb: to manipulate an individual's testicles rapidly, in the manner referencing the actions of David Bowie in the 1986 movie <i>Labyrinth. </i>
See David Bowie contact juggling on youtube.
by Semper Raucus February 25, 2012
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Man-tights worn by superstar, David Bowie in the film Labyrinth. Grey in colour with a feline/leopard texture. They are extremely tight, revealing David Bowies entire, gigantic bulge. Sometimes referred to as David Bowies Labyrinth Bulge.
by ilikenirvana October 28, 2013
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After the death of David Bowie in 2016, the world has gone to to hell in a handbasket. His death was only the beginning.
"Ya know, nothing's been right since Bowie died a couple years ago. So much shit going on."
"Yeah, that's The David Bowie Effect for you..."
by Marshel5AQW November 13, 2018
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A obscure sexual move popularized by repeated viewings of the 1986 film "Labyrinth". It entails dressing up as David Bowie's character Jareth, from the film, and attaching brown dildos (length must exceed 7 inches but be no longer than 13) to the articulatio radiocarpea of both arms. While penetrating both the anus and vagina, "Jareth" must sing "Magic Dance" with the receiving partner singing the goblins' parts. If available, cocaine (slime and snails or puppy dogs' tails are popular substitutes) should be snorted off the lower back of the receiver. This second act is, of course, referred to as a "Lady Stardust".
Nathan: Hey what'd you get Aniston for her birthday?

Aaron: Got her David Bowie's Armadillo and some Lady Stardust bro.

Nathan: Damn that's nasty as fuck my man!

Aaron: Stardust is a hell of a drug.
by Ziggy Cumdust January 11, 2011
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Getting a blowjob, and when you finish she throws glitter on ya dick. Also known as an Edward Cullen.
Karen gave me the best David Bowie blowie last night. My dick sparkled for days.
by Thrayse September 4, 2020
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a good-looking old fruit
Did you see that gay guy mincing around the confectionery aisle trying to pick up men?
He was a real David Bowie
by utclownshoe July 6, 2018
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