orland park slang for a short cigarette. claytons come about by removing the cherry from a half-smoked hundo, and placing it back in the box to be finished later. the term is nearly exclusive to the region, but has confirmed uses in some illinois college towns.
stoner 1: man, i can't finish this entire marlboro 100.
stoner 2: then make a clayton out of it and finish it later.
by bozenda February 20, 2007
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A dumbass. Someone who makes retarded choices
That was such a Clayton idea.
by Jgzillag3 January 27, 2017
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A boy who is indecisive,nerdy, and funny. He has adhd and listens to metal music, hes dirty-blonde with blue eyes and very attractive but can be annoying sometimes
Girl 1: wait, whats the name of that boy you like?

Girl 2: Clayton..

Girl 1: oh that kid? He's too energetic..

Girl 3: and indecisive..

Girl 2: Hey! Hes great the way he is!
by Girlinlove44 April 7, 2020
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A complete fucking asshole but a good friend. White as fuck ginger and extremely racist. Likes to throw fire flasks and say it wasn’t him. Also likes to turn your entire world hollow. Tends to have an obsession with peanut butter. Dates thots and has a homosexual best friend named coby.
Wow ok your gonna pull a clayton on me? What are you gonna do? Call me a Nigger?
by BIOLONTA May 26, 2018
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Clayton has the most perfect blonde hair, blue eyes, fit body and cutest smile on the planet. There’s not a thing you wouldn’t do for him. Once you fall in love with him he has your heart forever and is the best partner you could ever dream of having. He has a cheeky Chiwawa who is a little cunt but also very adorable. Don’t let her fool you. She is fucking crazy. But other then that he is a lil fuck bag smelly possum.
Hey possum! Want some cheese cake Clayton? Of course you do fatty!!
by Ratbuttonspanties November 10, 2021
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A man who is an ass whole and has not concept for dibs. He also has no honor or self respect because he does not play by the rule of dibs. When people see him he is attacked because he has no honor
I called dibs but he got it ANYWAYS he's such a clayton
by Chad whick April 3, 2019
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