People who don’t really have eyelids like
Bobs a chink because eye has no eyelids
by Nancy Williams April 8, 2018
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an asian person. most notably, a chinese person.
by addake December 2, 2018
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funny name for those dooch bags who live in asia, even if they're not chinese.
you eat rice, so your definitely a chink.
by Koo-Fing Chung August 10, 2005
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yeah did you hear that mark got chinked last weekend
by clack_ October 19, 2020
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When someone of asian heritage is minding his/her own business and randomly becomes the victim of senseless racist remarks or just plain ridiculously bad luck.
"I'm standing outside footaction on 34th and 7th minding my own business waiting for my girlfriend.
Three black guys walk by me and say CHING CHONG CHUNG as they walk by me...Chink Chink Chink'd!
by FatEddie February 20, 2009
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A penalty called in hockey when you fight a chinese hockey player and the ref says two minutes for roughing and ten minutes cuz you called him a chink.
Ref:"okay number eight that's two minutes for roughing and ten minute misconduct ."

Number 8: "why did I get the other 10 minute penalty?"

Ref:" because you called him a chink so that's two for roughing and ten for chinking now get in the box and keep your mouth shut."
by J8Rod November 23, 2009
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commonly used by Brooklyn Jews in 1950-1970's conversation with each other, only in private when hungry. We would never personally addressed a Chinese person as a chink as no slur or insult by us was intended. We sometimes said chinks instead of saying Chinese restaurant. It wasn't used by us to denigrate anyone, it was used by us as an endearing term, much more so then a hateful one, believe it or not. Not all slang is used in hateful way. Considered by far the best Asian food by most Brooklyn, Jews.
We often would go to the Chinks in Brighton Beach to eat. We never got tired of the dragons, their delicious dishes, the small decanters of "pigeons blood " soy sauce, the way hot spicy mustard, the chopsticks, and the good laughs we always had opening the fortune cookies. Brooklyn just wouldn't have been the same without our beloved chinks. A beautiful symbiotic relationship between kikes and chinks. A match made in heaven.
by gconey9999 March 22, 2016
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