He’s actually a pretty nice guy once once you get to know him and often asks to “Tutor” girls with his 8 inch ruler. Loves to go on longgggggggg walks and loves thicccccc wo- I mean words. Loves girls named Gracelyn and loves “1foot”ball
Yo, look at Bryce over there, WAIT WHAT IS HE DOING TO THE SUB.
by DefinitelyNotCam February 2, 2021
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A very nice heartwarming guy with a strong scent of lavender but don’t let that turn you off he has A HUGE COCK
by That one quite kid March 1, 2020
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A dude who thinks birds float in the air when they do not. They fly.
"they float"
"No they do not, Bryce"
by iamcorrectBAKA January 26, 2019
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Sweetest and bestest person I've ever met. Don't break this person's trust. It's the worst thing you could ever do. Deserves only the best. Pretty much perfect in every possible way.
"Bryce is the best."
"I know, but he'll never forgive me."
by actress27 September 21, 2016
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Female Bryce's are commonly very beautiful and smart. She may be shy at times, but once you get to know her she's a great friend, and an even better girlfriend. She's very funny but can still maintain a serious attitude whenever needed. She's generally very kind, generous and understanding. Bryce's are great.
"Wow, I wish I could look like Bryce! She's so pretty!"
"Hahaha that joke Bryce just told was hilarious"
by Kerng August 12, 2013
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bryce- some one that i love with all my heart. a person my friends dont think i should be with because they say i can do better
hey why are you with a bryce?
by i love him <.3 September 16, 2008
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