When something was bruh worthy if someone does sum stoopid
Jaydon: falls and slips*
Nirvan: that’s a bruh moment
by Dogisnavrin July 8, 2019
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Used to describe a extremely awkward, ironic, odd, or un-explainable moment in time.
Eric:"hey Darren i just saw a hedgehog on the road so i waited for 3 hours for it to move and then i realized it was a pine cone"
Darren: "bruh moment"
by god of all memes December 1, 2019
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Boomer: What an epic fail!
Zoomer: You still say that? Bruh moment.
Boomer: What?
by ItsPrix March 11, 2021
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A moment that makes you go: "Bruh"
Person 1: "Bro this is not even a bruh moment anymore, what the actual fuck is wrong with you."

Person 2: "UwU"
by Callsign_Ham November 28, 2021
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