A boy who is very blonde and has pink eyes. He lives in Pennslyvania but he would rather live in Prague. He is very strange and likes to beat sticks together in random patterns which he thinks are beautiful but other people think are horrible. He has pet iguanas and lives all alone as a schizophrenic.

He has a cyber deer as a girlfriend and they have three children. His cyber deer girlfriend is very fertile. He is secretly in love with a trumpet player who is named Anna but she left him for a sheep named Meepers. He plays the tuba.
Oh my god Brock is playing with sticks again!!!! Shut him up!!!!
by Wishtyz July 1, 2009
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The outer skin of the vagina, often having razor burn and soreness due to heavy sex.
That girls brock looked rough
by kxfsteve February 24, 2009
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To have an accident that could have been avoided, to accidentally injure yourself or being prone to accidents and mishaps.
"Dude, i had a bit of a Brock while riding my bicycle the other day"

"I totally Brocked it when i hit that jump"

"Haha, you did a Brock"
by Fizzle33 July 3, 2013
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A filthy coward who deserves to be mocked wherever, whenever. A "fucking pussy ass butch"
Yo that kids such a Brock lmao
by IguessMan October 22, 2016
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Brock means that you are asexual but still get crushes.
Dude I think I’m Brock”
by BrockoliAndCheese April 7, 2019
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He sucks dick for a 2$ a day
Guy 1: Brock sucks dick for 2$ tf

Guy 2: ya he’s so fucking gay
by Aye what up November 6, 2018
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