The Code by which every Alt-Bro must live. A philosophy based on the logic of setting bowling lane bumpers, and empowering others to bang around, within the provided constraints.

The 4 Bromandments:

1. Be curious
2. Be accepting
3. Be woke
4. Be inclusive
Commonly Heard Alt-Broisms:

"All bromandments are equally important."

"Sometimes you don't need to give an answer, just listen."

"Healthy inside, healthy outside."

"Be simple, without being plain."

"You bought the ticket, you take the ride."

(Alt-Bro Code)
by Lunchboxfever October 1, 2019
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"One bro shall never attempt to remove or rob another bro of his beard or facial hair growth"
Bro 1 "Hey, lets shave Derek's Beard!"
Bro 2 "No way man, that violates bro code article 223, do it and you are no longer a bro"
by BeardLord April 20, 2015
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If one of you mates it taking you home from a night out, activities. Whom ever is the last person to get dropped of must be the person in the front seat so he isn't taxied around. If a bro puts there stuff in the front seat one must not take it out and chuck it in the back.
"When a mate jumps in the front when he is first to exit the vehicle" This overules the shotgun Call. Bro code for front seat
by Scotthemus December 3, 2015
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the way i see it is that like getting into relationships is all fine and dandy and there should be like loyalty and trust and all that stuff and like spending time together and talking but also respect time for the others friends and stuff like that and not being hella controlling abt it ya know
Remember the bro code/respect the code✊🏼!
by Shiaaa Labeoufffff July 18, 2018
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When gaming wit the bro you plsh with the one that joined the party first not the one that calls you and asks to play with you. When they do call you say "no I'm gaming wit my other bro."
Bro 1: hold up my friend is calling me
Bro 2: alright I'll be quiet
Bro 1: he what's up
Bro 3: yo wanna play
Bro 1: naw I cant I'm playing wit my other bro sry
Bro 3: ight see you later
Bro 1: see ya
Bro 2: thx for following bro code rule 874
by Pdaddy22 December 12, 2020
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You may never talk to another bros girl even if she is fine with it
Nah bro bro code page 67 paragraph 3 rule 3
by That is not my job October 19, 2018
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Is a term used by men who respect themselves and good women.

☆ 1. Jumping into Random women’s in boxes that’s Predator traits; a big no.

★ 2. A real man not gonna come into a good womon life just to mess it up.
☆ 3. A real homie won’t go behind their homeboys back trying to holler at their women; that’s a fake friend.

★ 4. A real man don’t want

a woman that another dude Laying up with sexing every night.

☆ 5. A Smart man gon ask a Woman respectfully to get STD tested before he goes “raw / naked head” or she can get to Stepping / hoping the feeling{ is Mutual.
If you want a good woman go by the

by MillYentei DYSlick January 2, 2021
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