When I was a child we called going number two "taking a boke" I think it is a German or Swedish word.
by carlos lee March 3, 2007
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Past tense to wake and bake. Wake and bake is a term for waking up and smoking weed. Woke and boke is a past tense for having already woke up and smoked weed
Dang man, we really shouldn't have woke and boke this morning. I have a test at 9am.
by Damon K. June 2, 2021
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Orpheous: Hey Bo, how has your morning been?
Bovice: Oh, you know...just woke and boke. It was nice.
by Bovice Brown Smith Johnson November 10, 2007
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An apparently non sensical series of letters found in the Hot Chip song: Over and Over.
Oh hello there. I see you've accessed the Urban Dictionary article for "Casio Boke", you probably came to be here after listening too or watching that one Hot Chip song and hearing the words Casio Boke spelt out. Well I don't know what it is either. You should watch the music video though if you haven't, it really is a wicked song.
by Mortified-Penguin June 18, 2011
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Juicy boggies or dried snot that are saturated with cocaine from a fat session.
Woooowwwwww, I just pulled a fat chunk of boke out and it was kin chewy.

I like chewing on my boke!
by Silly PsyMon March 22, 2007
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