Democrats who spread left-wing conspiracy theories such as the Russia Hoax, Jussie Smollett hoax, etc. The counter to right wing QAnon.
Blue Anon CNN watchers think that all Trump voters are racist homophobes
by Jonesin31 March 7, 2021
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"Blue Anon" - a new phrase mocking leftists for their belief in right-wing conspiracy theories, "such as the Russia Hoax, Jussie Smollett hoax, Ukraine hoax, Covington Kids hoax, and Brett Kavanaugh hoax."
She so woke she quotes "blue anon" when she does her "Karen" thingy.
by JamesNMIMadison March 8, 2021
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The propaganda network that springs into action every time a black man gets killed by police, spreading conspiracy theories about how the victim secretly actually deserved it.
Police thought they saw a gun, but then the gun disappeared when they looked at the body? Must be Blue Anon.
by SvenTheBold March 15, 2021
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A group of left wing democrats that believe all Republicans are out to get them. Blue Anon conspiracies are widely spread by activist working for main stream media organizations. Blue Anon believe almost all things are racist. Blue Anon strongly believe that Russia was working with the President of the United States to do damage to Democrats somehow. Blue Anon also believe ANTIFA doesn't exist and Black Lives Matter is a loving organization trying to help people.
Blue Anon conspiracies are commonly spread by main stream media.
by Dr America March 7, 2021
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A loosely organized a network of Democrat voters, politicians, and media personalities who spread left-wing conspiracy theories such as the Russia Hoax, Jussie Smollett hoax, Ukraine hoax, Covington Kids hoax, and Bret Kavanaugh hoax.
He, did you see that brave Democrat sitting on the capitol steps on March 5 to "send a message to QAnon?"
"Uh, yeah, that was Blue Anon, man."
by ClearAnon March 7, 2021
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Leftwing conspiracy theorists who promoted the Russia hoax amongst other leftwing conspiracy theories promoted by left-wing corporate media and parroted by the left...
Most of the media including the admins at are blue anons.
by BantaMedia March 7, 2021
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“Blue Anon adherents fervently believe that right-wing extremists are going to storm Capitol Hill any day now and “remove” lawmakers from office, hence the need for the deployment of thousands of National Guard stationed at the US Capitol.” Russia Hoax Jussie Smollett hoax Ukraine hoax Covington kids hoax Brett Kavanaugh hoax
Pelosi is a leader of Blue Anon
by Really Old Guy March 7, 2021
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