to blackout drug, then violate drugged person(s)
Andrew is going to bill cosby the shit out of Maria after canapés are seved.
by T Phat November 5, 2015
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When someone gets roofied at a party then taken advantage of anally and vaginally.
Chic 1: Damn, I dont remember what happened last night.
Chic 2: You must have gotten bill cosby'ed last night.
by davethestick July 16, 2015
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When you get taken out for drinks and get drugged and raped or you do it to someone.
Jayden- "man I finna bill cosbyed my girlfriend last night"
John- "that's pretty cool man"
by CheezStick July 23, 2018
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Be sure to be able to produce solid stools. Shit in someone's mouth, they are to grab it and lick it. Meanwhile you sit on their chest and talk like Bill Cosby about pudding pops.
If you get bored on your summer vacation, you can always take turns performing the bill cosby on each other.
by ARJW July 1, 2008
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a rapist that gets u in the night inside of the forest posted up in a white car
bill cosby got me last night
by bill u me 333 November 15, 2017
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Similar to the "shocker" except you use all fingers excluding the thumb (Or include it if you wish, whatever) in your orifice of choice and at the same time gabble on as loud as you can about jell-o pudding and "buck buck" and all that senseless shit that Bill Cosby talks about as loud as you can in your best Bill Cosby voice impression.
-"dude I totally used The Bill Cosby on that girl last night!"

-"No way, how man times did you say jell-o pudding pops before she freaked out?"

-"I think seven or eight"
by leefferickson April 22, 2008
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