The most beautiful girl in the entire world. Although she may act really cool, calm and collected - she is actually one of the sweetest, most caring girls you will ever meet.

Whenever you meet a Bianca, you should tell her that you love her more than life itself, that you dream of marrying her one day and that you dream about having a daughter exactly like her.

Although she will be a lot smarter than you and excels in everything she does (except sports), she never fails to show her pride in you.

Another cool thing is, in conjunction with her beautiful face (cutest nose ever), she has an amazing body and is rather kinky indeed!

Guys, if you are lucky enough to find yourself a Bianca, keep her, cause i know i will !!!
Who's the most beautiful girl in the entire world?

by Mira's Daddy June 5, 2017
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Bianca is one of the prettiest girls you will ever meet. She is very insecure about herself but she dosent realize how pretty she actually is, she is a great athlete and a great singer. She is so funny and when anyone of her friends is sad she can always cheer them up.
boy #1: Who’s that? She is really pretty
boy #2: That’s Bianca
by I like Payton Morrmeir October 9, 2019
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The name of a perfect girl.

She is beautiful, smart, stunning, and amazing.

She's the best girlfriend that you could ever ask for. Im very glad to have met her.

She is the definition of perfection in my eyes.
Q: Why do you enjoy life?

A: Bianca
by DonavanMcgregor February 22, 2018
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A beautiful Italian name meaning white and fair.
Girls with that name usually enjoy dancing, singing and acting. Biancas are very outgoing once you get to know them but they are very thoughtful and loveable.
See Bianca-Neve (irish name )
Bob: hi bianca! Would you like to go to a party on Saturday?
Bianca: omg!! Yessssss. Oh sweetie you are so nice thankyou so much for asking!
by Emma Tancredi February 21, 2016
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Bianca is the best friend to have. She will listen to all your problems and help you with getting the guy you like. Not only will she help you but she’ll tell you all the stories she has with boys because she loves love. Bianca will put her all in a relationship and love you more than anyone can imagine. She’s such a sentimental person and will keep all her subway transfers just to remember. Her locker is filled with pictures of her friends and loved ones. Bianca will make an effort to take pictures just so she can remember that day. Bianca is so sentimental she even makes scrapbooks and keeps all her memories close to her. If you are lucky enough to find a Bianca you need to never let her go. Don’t make a mistake and lose her. Bianca is not only a complete romantic but shes one badass girl. She will be friends with whoever she wants and not listen to what anyone has to say. Bianca may seem intimidating at first but it’s someone who you admire for their choices and want to be more like. Bianca is an amazing friend and overall person. I hope you get as lucky as I did
Girl #1: omg that girl has shaved sides. I wish I had the guts to do that
Girl #2: oh yeah that’s Bianca. She’s one extraordinary girl
by Anne Frank of Green Gables September 26, 2018
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Bianca is a very nice and sweet person. Her favorite animal will most likely be a cat and she is sexy and mastrubate with people on the internet. Biancas love reading books. And she loves boys with the name Daan.
she's sho hot! It's a Bianca!
by swaggggeerrrrrrrrr July 21, 2021
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