BET (Blacks Embarrassing Themselves) a TV channel.
Yo nigga i was watching BET, and dat nigga Jayqwon had gold teeth, diamond chain and like a 60 hoes on his dick plus he was smoking crack. I wanna be juss like that nigga.
by basedgod007 October 12, 2011
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Saying something isn’t true or someone won’t do something; not believing someone
by Aisha.ypg January 13, 2018
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Black Entertainment Television: American cable television channel wich broadcasts shows of interest to African Americans. Some call it "Booty Entertainment Television".
by Fangsta March 17, 2003
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To disagree, oppose, or bet against.

Can also be said in phrases like...

"That's a bet!"
"Big bet!"
"Huge bet!"
"I'm gonna get laid tonight!'

by TheDane55 May 5, 2008
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"Alright" or "okay"
A: I'm gonna go with you to the party tonight.
B: Cool, bet.
by DerMenschen March 13, 2017
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b - Black
e - Entertainment
t - Television

Black Entertainment Television is an American cable network based in Washington, D.C. targeted toward African-American and urban audiences in the United States. The network is commonly referred to as BET and most of its programming comprises hip-hop and R&B music videos as well as religious programming and urban-oriented movies and series.
just seeing the BET 07 awards, beyonce was awesome!!
by cezz69 July 15, 2007
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