(verb) To assault in a teasing fashion by placing a booger on them against their will/without their consent.
"Can you not BOOG me in this Zara right now?"
by ton.katsu July 2, 2023
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This word can only describe people who piss you off to no limit. It can be used to call someone stuck up, stupid, annoying or even just to insult them. This word can be used to make anything sound even more stupid than it already is.
Friend: "Wow this game is boss!"
Other friend: "No! This game is booge."
by Traprincess July 24, 2015
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A person or situation that makes you think oh shit this really be happening .
Did you hear what happened last night

Yh dude BOOG
by Cazmataz September 27, 2019
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Boog is a well known Metro and plane enthusiast that has a extensive criminal record due to his multiple war crimes committed during the Afghanistan war. He is best known for bombing the hospital on the planet Nambo along side his sidekick Genghis Kahn. Boog is a man that no dares mess with due to his raw strength and his ability to make any straight man gay. The Kahn is also well known for his large amount of girlfriends which won him the award of top shagger in 2018 before being beat by the late Brandy Snap. Boog is also a popular racing driver within formula 1, he drive for Mercedes in 2021 after passing his driving test with flying colours. His formula 1 career lasted 4 races where he managed to achieve 4 points in the season and winning the world championship. If you ever encounter a wild boogus Kahn be sure to watch out for his Girthy shlong and his pure pace in a F1 car. LONG LIVE BOOG!!!
Tommy G: “Boog has girth
by Bunda munch May 7, 2022
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Boog (aka boogieman) Is a nice person that needs more luv
by Sssnakeys Baby July 28, 2020
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Shadey word for cocaine,you can use it in public and no one knows what the hell your talking about.
Ya know, when you wake up in the morning and your nose is all filled with a nasty mixture: half cocaine and half boogers = BOOG

Damn dude I did way too much boog last night!

Where's the boog at?

Im going to wawa, anybody need boog?
by PinkRanger April 19, 2007
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