When your boss leaves a pile of papers on your desk for you to work on and a nagging list of things to do you call her a BAMF behind her back. Warning: Careful that she doesn't hear. This may result in getting fired.
by sweetpea2785 May 13, 2009
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"Don't fuck it up or I'll fuck you. I'll kill you. All right, I love you. Bye."

(That's BAMF-ing tough love!)
by Rahmbama Nation November 28, 2008
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A Bad Ass Mother Fucker.

You must be super hardcore or super cool to get this nickname. Often times when something awesome has just been done by someone, you can yell out something like "Man, that guy's a BAMF!"

Watch the movie The Warriors.
They are hardcore BAMF's.
"Holy shit! Nick Rodriguez just hit that guy in the face with a wooden bat!"
"Yeah, he's a BAMF."
by Sara Lapp February 27, 2007
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dude youre so fucking Chuck Norris!
that guy just kicked a tiger and pissed in its mouth! hes a REAL Chuck Norris

dude your so BAMF!
that guy just kicked a tiger and pissed in its mouth! Hes a REAL BAMF

by megasex May 19, 2008
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used to describe someone that is an exterme bad ass

can be pronounced B-A-M-F or BAMF
Yo ma, you one tight BAMF
by Chris Rutherford June 11, 2008
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It is a person who is the best at what they do. Not sometimes, not once in awhile. All the time! They are the elite few. Bring them all together and watch out!
Did you talk to Ashley? She is a BAMF ( Bad Ass Mother Fucker)!
by #YABAF August 2, 2020
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