A bewitching girl or young woman, too beautiful and, arguably, too wise for the world. Appearing naïvely innocent, said person, unintentionally causes the death of several men, who love or lust after her.
The girl from the engagement stole my heart. She is such an Avrill.
by V'negar April 14, 2021
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A Canadian. Doesnt write any of her songs. Cant play Guitar. Cant skateboard. Writes shitty pop music, and claims that its punk. She doesnt know what punk is. Made Dickies uncool. Has small boobs. Needs to be shot.

Also see - Kelly Osbourne, faux, poseur, idiot.
"OmG LyK aVrIl Iz SoooOoOoO kEwL. LyK lEtS mAkE oUr HaIr StRiGht AnD buY sUM tIeS omFg LolZZZZZZZZZ"

Your such an Avril.
by Rosie February 11, 2004
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Talentless "punk rawk" pop-bitch. She brings shame to Canada. Claims everybody else is a poser… but she's the real deluded fuck. Abuses bracelets, ties, and the human ear.
Don't listen to this washed up slut. Listen to Terrance and Phillip instead. They're funnier, more talented, and better-looking. They also make Canada look good, unlike Avril.
by The Dork Cheese September 28, 2005
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A Pop Singer that Looks like an Ugly little Bitch Witch
by hexaGonmaN April 28, 2004
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I heard an Avril song on the radio and my ears started bleeding.
by Ihateyouallsomuch July 8, 2005
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A dumb hypocritical bitch. She must think everyone likes her and sees her as an icon. Wrong. She's far from that. She's a total bitch, a Sexist, a Racist, talentless bitch.

She says bands shouldn't label themselves, and yet she does it herself. She also likes to call other people/bands posers, when she is one herself, branding herself a punk.

Also, Good Charlotte(one of the bands Avril called "posers") NEVER said they were punk, or any other genre, but YOU did. So congrats on screwing up yourself dumb bitch hypocrite Avril.

Ever wonder why she doesn't have any videos or shows related to her? Because she doesn't want you to see what she's truly like behind the scenes. She's only a so called "punk" when she's out in public.

Have you ever seen Avril skate? No. Because she CAN'T.

Avril was originally going to be Country, she even met Shania Twain(a country music artist), but when she tried out, the PD didn't like her music, and the only way she could get signed was to switch from Country to Punk. This is 100% TRUE.

I really do hope she stumbles upon this page Googling her name and sees how many people truly hate her. That would be so hilarious, wouldn't you think so Avril?
Avril says no preps should listen to her music....riiight....guess she doesn't want ANYONE to listen to her music, then. Seeing as preps are her only fans.
by go20orange March 24, 2006
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Someone who sings through their nose in a constipated way and also a poser
My name is avril, do you like my voice? 'AHHaHAhAhAhahaha'
by Alix April 18, 2004
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