Ava is a beautiful girl with lots of skills. She's quiet at first, but once you get to know her better, she becomes the funniest person you'll ever meet. She's gorgeous and fun to be around. She has lots of friends and isn't afraid to hang out with guys once in a while. Guys will do anything to get her.
Chris: Wow, Ava is everything in a girl that I want.
Jay: No wonder her name is Ava! She's perfect!
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Ava is a wonderful great person. She will always find a way to make your day better and always puts you before her. She is trustworthy and would always keep a secret
Man Ava is so great
by MrBiblyBoo May 9, 2019
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One whom is known to have a disease called "The Big Gay"
Wow, you have the Ava disease
by Lonav January 31, 2019
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This girl is a pure genius! She gets A’s in ALL of her classes, and can sometimes even be ahead a couple of grades! She is ALWAYS a great person to go to for advice, or just to rant. If you know an Ava, or maybe she is your best friend, keep her close as long as possible. You’ll be happy you did. If you are dating an Ava, treat her with respect, she deserves the world, give it to her.
Matthew: hey who’s that over there?
Jonathan: oh that’s Ava. She’s in our geometry class.

Matthew: Yeah she’s REALLY smart. And beautiful....
by kylehhhh March 1, 2019
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A headstrong individual who everyone looks up to. She loves to win and finds it hard to deal with losing. Her strong personality guides everyone to the right place and they can't help but love her. She is drop dead gorgeous with stunning blue eyes, and long glossy hair. Boys can't help fall for her flirtatious smile and every girl in her damn right mind will be jealous of her popularity and amazingness.
Guy 1: she is beautiful, smart and sassy!
Guy 2: bet her names Ava!
by Alphanumericguy March 23, 2013
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Ava’s are witches and absolute hussies. they take jokes way too far. 10/10 would be cult leaders or prison gang leaders.
person 1: did you see that weird girl doing a photo shoot at historic Salem?
person 2: yea, that’s just Ava being Ava.
by massivetehe July 3, 2019
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An incredibly cool individual; one who is known to be cooler than you will ever be; somebody who is on an entirely higher calibre of coolness than yourself; one who is at the top of the social ladder.
In high school, all Jeff wanted was to become an ava, so he joined every cool club in the school in order to achieve this status.
The hipsters in town are all avas, which is why everybody wants top be like them!
by Phil Graham May 30, 2011
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