A piece of crap that makes a sentence that makes sense nonsense
Me: *types* autocorrect sucks it should go to hell
Autocorrect: autocucumber ducks it should go to he’ll
by an idiot October 5, 2020
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When you turn autocorrect on because your typos were turning against you but then even your autocorrect turns against you.

Person 1: yoo you there? you suddenly disappeared lmao

Person 2: SORRY MY WIFE WENT, i swear to god its so slow.

Person 1: I'm sorry- WHAT?


Person: poor you, you have des's autocorrect.
by Sir Kyrie October 20, 2021
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When a friend or someone in your group keeps correcting everything you say.

When you are talking or telling a story and a person in your group keeps interrupting you and correcting everything that you say.
I’m tired of Sophia constantly autocorrecting me every time I make a grammar mistake.

If Liv autocorrects me one more time about some stupid detail when I’m telling a story I’m going to knock her silly.
by tsteele937 May 31, 2023
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When you are talking or telling a story and someone in your group keeps interrupting you and correcting grammar mistakes or details about your story.

For instance, if you were telling a story about a gray car and the person says, “actually it was silver” and you continue with your story and mention that it was on Wednesday and that person says, “actually it was on a Thursday” and you continue and say that it occurred in the evening and they interrupt and say “actually it was in the late afternoon.”

Then you tell them to stop autocorrecting you.
Sophia if you don’t stop autocorrecting me I’m gonna knock you out.

Liv, you would have a lot more friends if you didn’t autocorrect people all the time.
by tsteele937 May 31, 2023
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Autocorrect game is a game for when a group chat is dead, it is played by someone saying "type e.g."I hate my" then hit the middle button" this can be used with many other sentences too. It will also wake up the chat in a funny way, but you can also use it to change the subject or just randomly play a game
Alright, let's play the autocorrect game! type "I hate my" then press the middle button for whatever your phone gives you
by jay-fandoms February 17, 2019
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(noun) when you blame autocorrect for messing up your message but it was actually your fault since your finger's so fat and you type at fourteen letters per milisecond, A person who tends to false autocorrect a lot is called a false autocorrector
Person A - it's so quiet hsre
Person A - *here

stupid autocorrect
Person B - wtf stop false autocorrecting you false autocorrector if you typed your sentences properly you wouldnt have made that mistake
by KermitTheRomanFrog September 8, 2020
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