Hey look that women is an Amaya
by yayya December 11, 2017
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verb: the action of catching up in the group chat after it blew up when you weren't online

origin: the pan theatre club <3
1) sarah's late, she's pulling an amaya

2) person a: *catches up*
by jxailophone September 11, 2022
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means "night rain" in japanese. is mostly used for a girls name
watashi wa Amaya desu. (my name is Amaya)
by nicole bitch!!!! November 16, 2007
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An amazing , beautiful , intelligent girl. Usually a black girls name.
She is so beautiful.Her name must be amaya
by beatsbabe July 3, 2011
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Typically a girl's name. Annoying but for some reason everyone loves them. Has tons of friends but only close to a few of them. Amaya can be found watching youtube or dangerously rock climbing but never in between.
Girl #1: Oh my gosh look at Amaya. Shes so active
Girl #2 : i heard she makes youtube videos for fun...
by Rebecca is lit February 22, 2017
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the dumbest motherfucker you will ever meet. She's the type of girl that cannot spell to save her life and is shorter than a cocker spaniel with its ankles (ancles) chopped of.
hey do you know that amaya girl? yeah shes the one that fell on an umbrella and broke her ancles whilst trying to read a book for 7 year olds. isn't she 25?
by Knee-Grown November 29, 2021
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Is used to describe a person(typically a girl) who knows BBJ , Muay Thai and has a freaking amazing singing voice.Also used as slang for badass.
by Newtloop December 21, 2016
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