Anyone that doesn't know what a fool is
You're a fool for searching this up
by THECHICKEN35 June 28, 2020
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1- it means and idiot , or dumb person

2-an egyptian kind of food made of beans that makes ppl turns idiotic or dumb ....but its not called fool for that reason but its just a coincidence :)
1- a: hand me the ball fool
2- ahmed :why cant you right any thing in the exam

mohammed : sory i ate fool in the morning you know ..:S

ahmed :ohh
by vodca333 December 14, 2009
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A group of roughly about 40 dubbed friends, generally in the Orlando, FL area bent on making the world a statement that you can still have a lot of fun without the influence of drugs, alcohol or recreational drugs. This group of friends have created a their own unique lingo from old-fashioned phrases and interesting-sounding words. The creators of The Fools, Kristen Richardson, Laura Lewis, and Aaron Rogers, created this aspiring group during the birthday party of Laura Lewis along with a few other unnamed individuals.
I love The Fools; everything The Fools do is so trendy and exciting; The Fools sure know how to have fun!
by aaronrogers May 12, 2009
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a) Idiot.
b) Word used with gangsta words such as homie ect.
c) Combo of Cool and Fun.
a) You make us look like fools!
b) Yo, fool, muh homie g.
c) That was sooo fool.
by Frank1000 July 28, 2005
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Fucking Cool - two words combined to make one abbreviation known as "fool"
"Hey Bill, look at that car over there."

"Yeah, that car is fool!"
by Flyfo May 30, 2009
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