Someone who says they’re down for a get together and then dips out 3 hours before it starts
“Oh yeah I’ll be there”

Narrator voice: Noah, the little bitch boy, was not there
by Imaddictedtocarcaine August 6, 2021
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When Someone has a disorder where they literally are a little bitch. Otherwise known as LBS...

A disorder where people cannot take pain, have ridiculous emotional problems, or are a little bitch.
Doc, i hurt my elbow and i cant stop crying..

Doctor: well im gonna prescribe you some LBS pills.

Whats is that doc?

Doctor: little bitch syndrome Pills.
by Alex Gold July 29, 2009
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A person who complains or is an asshole to those around them, yet when called out or is met with a retaliation to their behavior, will whine like a little bitch and run away.
Person 1) Man this guy sure is an asshole
Person 2) Every time we out him he gets upset
Person 1) What a little bitch chicken
by inigu April 11, 2017
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A complete turd who follows his best friend around and does whatever he is told to do.
Zach: Suck my penis Conner.
Conner: Okay Zach! Anything for you!
Zach: Wow, you really are my little bitch boy.
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Little Bitch is what you call a wimpy kid who is too afraid to step up to the plate, or in other words too afraid to take action
Yeah, he's such a little bitch and won't ask her out!
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A girls boyfriend that does his bidding because he’s her little bitch
She had him pick up her stuff from my house! He’s her little bitch boy!
by hfirk August 30, 2022
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