Playstation 3 has no good games other than non exclusives.
by WiiFanboy June 22, 2009
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An overly priced peace of junk, it is sony's next gen console that is way overpriced for wat it can do, it copied things from the wii and 360 which shows how pathetic sony is they cant even make their own fricken ideas! seriously if u want a next gen console get a xbox 360 or nintendo wii they are way better and dont cost as goddamn much!
Brandon: OMG!!!! i got a PLAYSTATION 3!!!!
Isaac: Jeez dude u bought one of those overpriced pieces of junk.
Nick:Yeh man u could of got a 360 or wii,they are better and cheaper u must be on drugs dude.
by Mr. Blarg November 27, 2006
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A new game system that looks like George Foreman's contraption "The lean mean, grilling machine"
Playstation 3 looks like George Foreman's Lean Mean, Grilling Machine
by Wings June 11, 2005
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A piece of shit that will mark the end of the video game industry as we known it, of course it will sell as well if not better than previous playstation models and kill Nintendo once and for all, leaving another arse-ramming company microsoft as the only other machine left in the console arena.
"Sorry Honey, I killed the orignal games market"
by Madmanjock January 23, 2005
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Will take the lead at first, with Nintendo in second place, especially in Japan. Then People will realize its most of the same games with better graphics, then go to the Revolution because of creativity.
Its not that great...Playstation 3 is too similar to PS2
by Hmnmnmn March 13, 2006
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Playstation 3 is too fucking expenice and the games are Medicore.
by PHILRYABKIN July 26, 2009
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A gaming console that causes people to fail three or more semesters of college.

Also known to cause seizures.
College Dude 1: "Hey dude, I just spent the last 17 hours obliterating the new God of War game on my PlayStation 3."

College Dude 2: "Dude, we had a Thermodynamics final today."

College Dude 1: "Duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuude..."

*sad face*
by Jooooooey November 6, 2012
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