Coined by Big Lenny the man that loves big sausages stuffed in him. Delray beach is loaded with tranny tan 10 10's.
Big Brad wolf loves taco queen because he is a tan 10 10
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10 to 10 is a prison rule common in penitentiaries in the western United States. The rule states that from the hours of 10:00pm to 10:00am all inmates should refrain from activities causing noise or disturbance. Those who violate the 10 to 10 rule are subject to punishment chosen for them by members of their own race.
10 to 10 Ian get the fuck off the phone. 10 to 10 brutherfucka ...throws radio into sink.
by darkwhitein1955 March 3, 2020
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Person 1 (bluffing): I'm going over there and grab her ass..
Person 2 (calling the bluff): 10 on that man...
by Teccen February 27, 2004
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10/10 grub to be put simply is the dankest weed you can buy. Usually 10/10 grub would be Cali grown weed but can also just be amazing weed.
Yo Charlie wanna pick up some 10/10 grub
by J.L1 July 10, 2019
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A female that you'd know why people were throwing shit at and booing, if that's what people were doing.
She wasn't a zero and she wasn't a ten, she was a -10.
by Solid Mantis November 15, 2019
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what, 10 miles?
by Krkič January 13, 2020
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