When you have truly tried everything and just don't give up, so you just hold the Alt Gr key... Just stop
I tried to beat The Urban Dictionary by typing äåé®þüúíóöáßðøæ©ñµ but it didn't work!
by Krifeto June 7, 2020
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h4x0r$P33K 4 Microsoft® which allegedly in the olden times tried to write code and shit but there were 1000s of these cretins and none of them could do it rite lulz!!!1! KTHXBYE
n00b: I can't wait till I download Windows 7® Beta from the glorious Microsoft® Corporation! *sighs*
|33td00d: µ!¢®0$0?+ ????? KOS
by recklesswraith March 27, 2008
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I'm not sure how you got here, but I can't say that I'm not impressed. At least with things like
aeiouqwrtypsdfghjklzxcvbnm or
there's a pattern. This is just completely random 👏
Dude: According to urban dictionary, ©™}¢π∆®%€√÷¶`°-@'/*?0$&^}`\~•>¥ẞ is a word.
by Retard_Ryan November 1, 2022
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