The cellular version of a “Ding Dong Ditch”. When you call someone, and hang up with no further response or contact. Another version is calling (receiving no answer) and refusing to respond to their desperate attempt to get back to you.
I can’t believe you Ring Dong Ditched me.
by Shmoovin April 19, 2021
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The voided out space between tits aka the sternum area
Let me motorboat that tit ditch!
by St1ckkman July 18, 2022
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ditch is the slang word for a bitch dating a dick head and they b happy but they both mega jerks
whats you ship name?
ditch head

by yeetious June 24, 2019
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Coyote, one that preys on road kill or up for an evening stroll cruising roadways in the ditch.
There was a Ditch Dingo eating a road killed trash panda on Highway 2.
by Underwear Gang July 8, 2018
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Female one who dwells around the truck and trailer park hiding in the ditch in the dark licking the chin off her face.
The obscene ways of a truck stop creature comes afar came as I was grabbing hotdogs with my buddy I squealed and she rank told that ditch cricket to kick rocks
by Pastor Michael November 27, 2017
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Refers to the national term, ditch-which is to leave. Refers to the term miss-which is overlooking or passing up. Ditched-n-missed refers to dropping an ex-lover and moving forward to another just to aggaravate the past lover by not acknowledging him.
Girl, I just ditched-n-missed that fool. He be calling me and I just ignore him; I'm over him.
by Lynnj85 July 26, 2010
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When you're driving down the highway and you gotta go so bad you pull over and push out a ditch pickle.
Damn, that gas station hot dog gave me so much gas I had to pull over and pitch a ditch pickle
by Donkey Sausage March 1, 2023
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