During the disco and funk era, in many venues the dance floor was often located below the seating area, so to "get down" was to go down to the dance floor. Originally meant in reference to dancing, eventually leading to sexual implications. However, it also means "to be cool with".
A most useful term.

Other forms: Get down, gettin down, getting down.
There is a more recent version of the sexual meaning is "going down (town)".
Disco conversation in the 1970s: "Get down with your bad self... go dance, you supafly!"
Intimate conversation: "The she started going down, the sex was so hot, I was blazin"
Casual conversation: "I can get down with that... it's cool"
by Hanbanana October 14, 2009
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A vague description of ones recent actions, usually when catching up with someone. 'Getting around' generally implies going out very often with multiple girls, partying more than most people thought possible, and doing it all without advertising it until someone asks.
Joe: "So, dude, what have you been up to lately?"
Steve: "Oh, you know, getting around. Nothing special."
by RajunCajun March 17, 2009
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The act of being assulted by a large number of individuals
Mahito is getting jumped by Yuji and Nanami
by Caladhir July 31, 2023
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Pronounced as "get turnt". Something you say to people after just correcting them on a subject. Sort of like saying "get educated" or "get your facts straight"
Bob: There are polar bears in all of Norway
Joe: actually, there are only polar bears on the island of Svalbard, get lurnt
by Alexhost October 26, 2015
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