A Baaaaaaad Maaan
"Bro that guys gone full Hoodie Den before his set."
by laxey1970 July 10, 2023
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A common religion coming from the north-west very common in states such as Ohio, Washington, Wyoming, and Nebraska and many more. In this religion the males wear Hoodie over their heads, while women don't have any customs. This religion follows the belief of the Bible.
What's your religion?
Oh mine is Hoodie Religion
by The World Of Men October 26, 2020
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National hoodie day is a special day where u give ur friend ur hoodie
It goes like this, Ben today is__ give one of your friends a hoodie because it is National hoodie day!!
by Fishfjdudhf2169420 March 1, 2020
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Today you are required to give a girl your hoodie if she asks
“Hey James, can i have your hoodie since it’s national hoodie day?”
by kiddooooo November 11, 2020
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(adj) someone who will suck up to a person just because they like both mental attention and physical attention
becky: omg josh i really like the shirt, let me feel it.
josh: stop being such a hoodie licker.
by pinalicka October 15, 2023
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Go up to your gf and give her one of your hoodies
Him: "Heres my hoodie"
Her: "What, why?"
Him: "It's National give your gf a hoodie day"
by UD user09268 August 25, 2023
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When you try to take off your hoodie and it’s not coming off and it strangles you
I tried to take off my hoodie and it hoodie noosed me
by Hoodie noose maker November 6, 2023
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