what my father is a pro at
me:dad we r out of milk

dad:ill go leave and get sum
me :never sees dad again
by u r die April 9, 2021
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The horrible leftovers at the bottom of your Cereal Packet.
I had breakfast this morning and all that was left was Dusty Leavings, Yuk!
by 367squadron June 24, 2011
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a slang term often used by a religion teacher. used to describe the lifestyle of mid-evil cowboys.
To that I say ride em' hard and leave em' wet

Look at that cowboy ride.

he sure knows how to "ride em' hard leave em' wet"
by lil_lamppost April 19, 2022
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When one leave's an establishment whilst drinking, literally continuously out the door.
I.E. to leave and ale.... "I can't wait to Leave and Ale!" Exclaimed Michelle as she left the pool hall.
by NSS MO May 22, 2017
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Malingering on company sick leave whilst receiving full pay, usually just sat at home playing video games or watching TV. Often the individual is proud of their actions and on occasions may convince themselves they are genuinely ill.
'Hey have you heard Christine is on pig leave again? She's pretending to have a migraine but has been playing Baldurs Gate 3 seven hours a day'

'I'm calling her employer tomorrow morning with screenshots'
by Lisapigleave August 13, 2024
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: a piece or pieces of dried nasal mucus

A more palatable term for Booger

singular: Nose-Leaving
Please don't flick your disgusting nose leavings on my rug. Go get a piece of tissue.
by babyzorilla April 26, 2009
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