Is the name of a personne, who has Bad Luck whit people trying to remember his Name after a while.
Majoric had his name change to Marjorie, Malorie and Médérick.
by Amecro May 27, 2017
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this disorder only exists by the term "sex".
if you talk alot about sex you will get this disorder
yeah idk some random psychiatrist was saying this in a group chat whenever i said sex
me: "sex"
that psychiatrist: "you have a major depressive disorder :The W bird image:"
by ScamTram79 April 18, 2022
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That one girl that nobody knew and thought was weird. You started talking to her, she has a full understanding of sarcastic comedy, sorta cute, good fashion sense, but lazy. You were friends with her for too long so she doesn't take any advances seriously, even though she's never had a boyfriend.
Damn, I wish I was with that non-feminist art major right now, we'd be laughing and drinking a nice glass of white wine while discussing what would happen if an aborted fetus were put into a blender.
by JigglyPuffinYourMom July 19, 2015
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A Effect with the cyan-ish negative colors and with the pitches 0 and +5.
G Major 5 looks similar to G Major 2.
by mp2278 October 12, 2023
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An expression in which shows disappointment in one's find. Another way of saying this expression is replacing "french fries" with "big mac".
Person one: "Dude, these Twitards are saying that Harry Potter sucks..."
Person two: "Ah, well, Twilight sucks major french fries..."
by -X-Ellen-X- November 10, 2009
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Major Bronco is when a music producer is really good at making music, there is a music producer that is called that but with the works written together.
Woah, that producer is really a major bronco
by DrSnuggles September 3, 2018
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