To hug someone out of the blue and pinch the from behind!
Dude 1: I’m gonna be hugging pinch our math teacher!

by SANA SANA BITCH October 30, 2021
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When your girl squeezes her legs together while still upon the peen, pinching your dick with the force of one thousand African elephants
Chad: yo my girl did the putang pinch on me last night and I’m still sore
Derrick: man that happened to me years ago and I haven’t walked since
by Heinz Doofinshmirtz June 29, 2019
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For someone who is very racist toward the african american race: Someone that teases an african american without the african american knowing a clue of what you are doing in any way. The perfect way to laugh and be racist in public. "pinch your skin" refers to there skin color. But in all it is just for jokes.
Pinch your skin.
by CHYEAbrahhh December 20, 2009
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When a girl pinches her lip she is sending a signal to someone that she is sexually frustrated/Horny
Tony: Did you see Veronica pinching her lip today at me during lunch?

Bob: yeah man shes must be sexually frustrated
by esteban julio ricardo dela ros December 29, 2016
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A phrase that can be used to tell someone that you’re pooping.
Kevin asked me what I was up to, so I told him I was in the bathroom pinching logs.
by caffeinated_sloth June 19, 2023
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1. When different highs are attained from smoking out of the same stash.

2. When you pinch from the stash and it seems a little stronger than usual, or has a different effect than the last time.
"Hey man I got really high last night.."
"Yeah I know, me too.. and we didn't even smoke that much."
"Ahh.. luck of the pinch!"
by katrell87 April 23, 2007
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