The most offensive word in english. Used by awesome black people.
by Lolrekt123 October 8, 2018
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A world commonly confused with NIGGER but are very different. Nigga is a word to call your homie's. NIGGER is a word to disrespect or look down apon blacks.
NIGGER: You; sup nigger. Them; the fuck you say to me !BANG! You; Dead
NIGGA: You; sup nigga. Them; sup homie
by Humpty88 April 16, 2019
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The white people made it but only the black can say it
White1-can I day nigga
Black1-imma beat ur ass if you do
by White brown August 9, 2016
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"Nigga" a term in which a black person calls there "homies" or "home boys"
Tyrone:"yo yo niggas"

John:"yo nigga"


*gun fire*
by Mildman February 27, 2020
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Your mom....I'm just playing it's a racial slur towards black or African American people (like me) that old whites used when slavery and the civil rights movement was happening (not at the same time)
Me: No lol.
Old white:*pulls out whip*
Me:*starts working until my arms dislocate*
by 24k._.goldyn._.lele_ November 10, 2022
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A word anyone can use because black people always say white people are raxist but why can they say a word that white people cant if they want it fair they should let us white bois say it
Black person: Nigga
White person:oh hey fello nigga
by Oibruvugotdemcheerios August 4, 2019
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