A pickle that has been brought into or has been grown in a bathroom. It must have the juice sucked out of it before it is consumed to be considered a "bathroom pickle that has lived it's best life."
"Man, Jessica brought some amazing and juicy Bathroom Pickles to the party last night."
by BabyImABozo January 10, 2021
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Harry "God dammit George took Luke into the bathroom again" James "Man what a fucking bathroom bandit"
by Semajcju December 26, 2022
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The Bathroom Predator Comes from an ancient story of a creature that is every animal combined. This creature is known to lurk in the shadows of bathrooms, yet not limited to bathrooms and cause fear. Nowadays, the term Bathrooms Predator is used to describe creeps that make you uncomfortable.
What the heck? This guy just picked the urinal right next to me... what a Bathroom Predator.”
by spicy mayo February 28, 2020
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Home sweet home. The second floor disabled bathroom is where many relaxing vapes have taken place, where many fun memories have been created, and where you can spend hours and somehow never get caught. Everyone needs a second floor disabled bathroom in their lives.
Person 1- where are you going? we have history?
Person 2- cba, im going to second floor disabled bathroom.
by whatyoulikeyou March 1, 2021
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A straight girl who gives hicks to other girls in the
bathroom, typically at school. Said bathroom lesbian could have a boyfriend and use the excuse “but there’s no feelings” to reassure you that it isn’t cheating.
"Bro did you see the hicky on Julia's neck"
"Yeah Rylan gave it to her"
"Wait isn't she straight"
"Yeah,she's a bathroom lesbian"
by Little leprechaun May 13, 2022
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When two guys go into 2 stalls next to each other and see who’s shit is the largest. The guy with the largest shit gets crowned Shit Master, and gets bragging rights.
Hey dude did you hear about those two guys taking giant shits? It was a real Battlefield in the Bathroom.
by That1Dood 789 October 29, 2021
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When you go into a bathroom to take a leak and all the sudden you have to take a shit and move from the urinal to a stall.
Man, yesterday I was at the urinal taking a piss and my stomach got all tore up and I had to take a shit . I had to zip up and hit the stall.

Oh, so you did a bathroom lane change.
by joemanshowman March 3, 2018
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