A old lady who thinks she’s a cougar but she looks like she was trampled by 1200 cougars and plowed by an elephants Cock. Her vagina smells like fish and her sons dick after it was double dipped from her ass to her mouth to her ass to her vagina
Man I will never be a Lisa collins thompson
by Ohshit4real January 2, 2022
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a person : hey look at that cute couple
b person : of course, it's Lisa and AJ
by Coronavirus aka your life March 29, 2020
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A lovely, sexy painting made by Demarcus Cousins The Third (JiDion). It took a million millenniums to forge in the caverns and ravines from the ancient mountaintops of Caucasus.
Person 1:"Yo bro, did you see the Clapped Lisa?"
Person 2:"Yeah man! It was so hot"
by BrolicBlackLover May 6, 2023
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Very clumbsy and always wears a oberlippenbart
Johanna 1: wow did you see lisa sophie today?

scheroo 1: yes omg i Love her oberlippenbart
by Diegeilegans January 2, 2017
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A fat lisa is someone who sits on Fortnite all day and has not life
by X_Sadbaby_x February 8, 2022
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When a cleavage looks kind of perky and happy but also a little on the sad any unperky side at the same time.
"Have you seen Emily's breasts? Her tits are like "Wow!" but also kind of "Meh." at the same time... I feel like her cleavage is somehow smiling at me--but also frowning at me! It's like she's got that whole Mona Lisa Cleavage thing going on. You know, like auntie Sara."
by Turtleboy3000 February 12, 2016
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