A baby semy girl is an unknown species a rare species the most beautiful thing a human could see there are only one baby semy and one baby semy boy in the world
Omg is that a baby semy girl ?
by Hello my dark friend March 10, 2018
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Is someone who could be considered as a half mute as in they talk but only Talk when they necessarily believe they should a common name for this is a Sigma. They are introverted and most of there thoughts are said internally
The semi-Talker is always composed and most of his thoughts are internal he/she is an introvert
by Wavey445 June 17, 2022
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a Buddy that is being a Jerk Face; a group of pals that question your Rad; A phrase used to address your friends that are currently being Lame; Someone that knows about Rad Harmony but chooses to be Lame and Hate on a Fellow Def-Radder;
"You Mother Effin Semi-Sorta Groover, you need to get away from me! You are ruining my Gnarly Rad Harmony!"

"Let the Mother Effing Semi-Sorta Groover's Hate, I am gonna kick back and Celebrate!"
by Don_Mayhem January 27, 2010
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Bands that think they are full on rock and roll, who usually have a large fan base. However, when the mirror is held up, they are more like a pop band. Examples include the Foo Fighters, Three Doors Down, Winger, and of course Nickelback.
"Unfortunately, to appease my wife, I have to take my kid to that semi rock showcase, with Nickelback headlining. I may need a testosterone booster when I get home.
by November 6, 2021
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A belief where someone believes that there is no God but there is a supernatural force. They believe that there is something after death but no God guiding it, either reincarnation or afterlife. The difference between Semi-theism and Agnosticism is that Semi-theism is an actual Conclusion, while Agnosticism is a Doubt of belief
If you're considering yourself as a Atheist while practicing Witchcraft, Believing in Astrology or a Pagan atheist then you're not an Atheist, your beliefs is Semi-theism
by Eimainihil February 21, 2023
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A person with about a quarter percentage of another race in them (usually 25-30%) but not enough for them to identify has a mixed person.
Josh’s mom is mixed and his dad is full black. He has 3 Black Grandparents and 1 White Grandparent. So that makes him semi-mixed.
by lee63 November 4, 2021
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Scaling your business or service outside your country but only in First world countries.
Guy1 -"I want to go semi-global."
Guy2- "Sure, UK is a better start."
by stopNlearn July 23, 2015
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