1.the source of power (n.)
2. "put on the Daddy Pants" (tr.v.) to assume authority and whip some ass

from the days when it struck mortal fear to hear "You just wait until your Dad gets home!"
As in "Dude, you need to put on the Daddy Pants and not let them get away with that shit"
"This guy at work put on the Daddy Pants and told the marketing guys where to go."
by robert February 26, 2005
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When a female is attracted to older men who show maturity and are caring. This "older man" may also be there to talk to her about her problems like a father would a daughter. This man may also have some toxic traits like being alcholic or addicted to anything for that matter. He may also be taller and wiser and there to comfort her when needed also there to lay down "ground rules" or strict advice.
Shes only with him because of her daddy issues.
by Sarahbaters January 21, 2021
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"Yo you see that dudes flip phone?". "Yeah, that shit is a track daddy."
by Chloral February 4, 2015
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the godly nigga that made the great movie known as cool cat saves the kids
he is cool cat's father
and he copystriked I Hate Everything a few years back
by massive willy July 9, 2018
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Sugar Daddy is a rich, usually older man who offers money or gifts to a less rich, usually younger person in return for companionship or sexual favors.
young women: i got me a suga daddy.
by Wuddup. March 4, 2012
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A dude whos totally mexican and is a father. He often has a moustache that looks like pubes.
Dude, when i was 15 i was a Daddy Sanchez
by chefjordan January 28, 2008
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On the maury show, when a paternity test shows that the man being tested is not the father, and the woman runs off like a trick ass ho, this is the dance that the man does. The man usually does it with elaborate flourish, including but not limited to:
1. Asking female audience members for phone numbers.
2. High-fiving or pounding members of the audience.
3. Helping the janitors clean backstage in a fit of joy.
4. Cartwheels

Such dances increase in satisfaction when more people have been tested by the woman, and also in proportion to the percentage sure the woman is that he is the father (i.e. a woman who claims to be 100% sure that the man is the father will get a lesser dance than one who claims to be 1000% sure.)
Maury: "You are NOT the father!"
Trick ass ho: "Oh Lawd!" (runs offstage)
Not the daddy: "HELL YEAH! I TOLD YO ASS! TRIFLIN' ASS SKANK!" (Cartwheel leading into other elaborate moves in the not the daddy dance.
by Dirty V May 3, 2006
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