A 40-60 year old ginger man who lives in his nans basement because he got kicked out his mum and dads house for hitting a bong, and he sits on discord for atleast 20 hours a day speaking to hes discord kittens.
discord kittens are normally 6-20 year old girls and sometimes MEN wearing a dress and anime hair with cat headphones. "Discord mods pet"
by discord mods July 24, 2022
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An overweight male pedophile that sits in front of his computer all day. He does not allow anyone to send memes in #general and usually slides into the DM's of unfortunate minor girls. They have no personality and are often unemployed. They can be found in their mom's basements.
When confronted about their vulgar behavior, they will ban you from their server. None of their victims leave Discord unscathed. Many girls (usually 12-year-olds) have sought therapists after these Discord Mods messaged them.
Girl in #intros: Hi I'm a girl and 12 years old *sends selfie*

Discord Mod: Hey, you're cute, wanna send me some nudes?


Discord Mod: Shut up. *bans person 2*
by ylang ylang February 4, 2023
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a very fat individual that is scared about the world outside them and stays on his computer 24/7 monitoring their servers. They also love women.
The Discord Mod was banning people right here and then.
by MrSucc6000 September 15, 2021
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Discord mod “I’m a discord mod
person 2 “ ew get away you Cheeto dust smelling, mtn dew blood stream looking ass”
by Slushy999 September 22, 2021
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A person who sits all they on their computer banking people and weighing 400 pounds. They have never touched grass. If there is one near you, run.
The discord mod lives with their parents.
by Scallwagisntsus April 24, 2022
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A 40-50 yr old that weighs 200-400 pounds,Sits in his chair all fucking day eating doritos and drinking monster mule
in other words a fat ass man that wants to fuck a discord kitten (disgusting) and get married too (The fucks wrong with mods) and they do fake faces and post fake ass picture to attract discord kittens and they post their ugly ass velociraptor in a clogged toilet bowl shitty shawty got no bitchest and watchers pornhub bein like: "Oooh i wanna fuck so bad i want so i will attract discord kittens to 444 fat st and fuck so hard she moans into space" LIKE SHUT THE FUCK UP BITCH UGLY ASS AUUUGHHH NERDY BITCH SHUT UP AND GET A FUCKIN LIFE GO TO THE GYM OH WAIT YOU CANT GET OUTTA BED UGLY FAT ASS
Gigachad bro: "What a discord mod"
by BigFatDicklol June 21, 2023
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A person who is said to be someone who spends all their time on their PC (or laptop) moderating a Discord server. In memes there defined as a fat and greasy man.
Person 1: Yoooooo look at that guy
Person 2: He’s as fat as a Discord mod
by Lucasidklol July 15, 2023
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