The belief that a cosmic jewish zombie who was his own father can make you live forever if you systematically eat his flesh and telepathically tell him you accept him as your master, so he can remove an evil force that is present in humanity because a rib-woman was convinced by a talking snake to eat a magic apple.
Christianity is crazier than the people who practice it.
by Mr. Barker October 11, 2007
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Someone with meaning in their lives. Someone who can feel God's presence, and know without proof that he exists everywhere. Someone who realizes that Evolution is just a theory, and has many more flaws than Christianity. Someone who knows that God sent his son to die for his creations, and yet those creations torment and refuse to beleive he even exists, and takes no pleasure in sending his people to hell. To those who say Christians are stupid, realize that real christians will help everyone they can, and be willign to give up all they have. A christian is somebody who realizes that a little faith can go a long way. Someone who fears God so they don't have to fear anything in life. a complete person. A Christian embodies love. A person who does not hate, no matter what.
Homeless person: sir, do you have any money to spare
Christian: No.. you need not money, you need food. Here, follow me to the nearest restaurant and buy whatever you like, on me.
by Dave prot December 7, 2007
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A religion which, according to its holy book, the bible, began over 2000 years ago.

It has for a long time been the most commonly followed religion in the world, mostly in the west and parts of Africa.

Recently, there has been a decline in followers, mostly in the west, due to a lot of anti-Christian material in the media - for example, controversies surrounding homosexuality, and in the US, the Westboro Baptist Church.

The truth is, even as a non-Christian, I know that in a nutshell, the bible teaches pretty much nothing more than to love one another and to have a fulfilling life... contrary to what a lot of people say; it being nothing but made up gibberish. True, most of the stories in the bible are made up, but those stories are used mainly to interpret many unanimous Christian beliefs.

Sadly, many modern Christians face a lot of prejudice due to what the media portrays them to be. Most Christians just want to live a fulfilling life and don't wish to impede their beliefs on others.
I don't follow Christianity, but at least it isn't as bad as Islam.
by Politically incorrect March 1, 2013
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So called "followers" of Christianity who, despite their claims that all muslims are terrorists, always steer clear of the fact that they killed thousands of them in the crusades.
So all muslims are terrorists huh? But what about Christians slaughtering thousands of Muslims in the Crusades, and abusing minorities everyday?
by sjbay900 January 19, 2012
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the DUMBMEST most ANNOYING person you will EVER meet!
why cant christian just punch a kid?

by by a fellow human April 28, 2019
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A type of christian is a narcissist who believes in toxic perfectionism and superior complexes. They also claim to believe in “purity” but then they say “god created man to fit woman. god made man to procreate bla bla bla” implying that humans only purpose is to have sex. But then they slut shame everyone and imply that sex is bad. But then they shame people who don’t want kids??? This type of christian is bipolar and a sheep. They live their life and make every decision based on a mistranslated book, and then wonder why everyone thinks they’re generic and boring. They also say love is important but would rather a gay person fake being in a happy marriage with a woman. Christianity is about appearance and looking “pristine” when really you’re not perfect, and really aren’t in the place to dictate others lives.
Not all christians are bad, but so many are so brain dead it makes my skin crawl. They’re bipolar too! They say one thing but then totally contradict themselves. Which just goes to prove their views aren’t fact, they’re just made up from the top of their tiny head <3
by December 25, 2021
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