When you finally get your dinner served after a 5 hour wait @!!!!!!
"Ka-Cacha-Ka" makes reference to the Nigerian plate Chakalaka which most natives agree that although takes a long time to be served, once the dish is served the sensation of relief is just "Ka-chacha-ka" and we, natives, just can't help but smile.
by April 23, 2022
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"Mike Ka Boobly" is a popular singer, his most famous work being 'Feeling Boob'
"My favourite singer is Mike Ka Boobly!"

"Oh yeah! I heard his song on the radio last week."
by theofficialphilzaminecraft November 1, 2021
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/k-a 'kant THiNGk/

A term for a person who's stupid and ignorant

But still has the audacity to do things to other people
Youre an ka-can't-think person
My ka-can't-think neighbor can't stop talking

My ka-can't-think friend wants a debate
by Worldwar5 April 21, 2022
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A male individual who has a taller girlfriend and is dependant on the girlfriend for protection. also the girlfriend is russian.
Jim: hey, have you seen Eirik lately? i want to kick his ass!

bob: careful, that little KaS got a tough girl.
by Xx-Toaster lover-xX December 11, 2018
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KAS meanskill all souls
Yeah mane uk I rep KAS
by Gangbang 1738 January 29, 2022
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The most hot person you will even meet
Omg look is that kas
by Shoarma tent November 22, 2021
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