That feeling you get when you see or watch anything with Finn Wolfhard in it and realize how much you want to hold and cuddle his SmOl cute self but then you also realize that you might never get to meet that cute ass frog face of his and he might never know who you are or even Of your existence.*sad*
“I just looked at a Finn Wolfhard edit and now I have finn depression oh how much I need him in my life * sheds a tear *”
by Finnhoneyiloveyou August 12, 2018
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A videogame where the player performs mundane tasks repeatedly (aka grinding) in exchange for rewards (that are usually randomized and disappointing) in lieu of fun and compelling gameplay.
"Ugh, why would you buy lootboxes in a depression grinder like that?"

"I quit World of Warcraft when I realized how much of a depression grinder it is."
by IMJL January 1, 2018
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when you are so sad you take a shower and just cry so nobody can hear you
Wow this is jenny's 3rd depression shower today. Tom really must have hurt her.
by yeeetz August 19, 2017
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The feeling of being upset yet happy at the same time over the ship of Finn Wolfhard and Jack Dylan Grazer (other wise known as Fack ) as they may be acting cute together or that they may not exist or, which is already true, are perfect for each other and it’s so perfect that it hurts. Symptoms include no sleep, not eating, not talking to anyone, heartaches and Depression in general ( the kind that makes you feel too happy that it leaves you sad.)
Person 1: “Woah you look aweful what happened to you? Did you not sleep again?”
Person 2: “Nope I’m just suffering from Fack Depression at the moment.”
Person 1: “Damn good luck recovering.”
Person 2: “Heheh thanks I’ll need it...”
by facklover2701 August 11, 2018
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Jack Avery and Zachary Herrons ship name that has now been put on hold because of Gabbie Gonzella safe to say this ship is bow sinking
Gabbie ruined my jachary ship now i have Jachary depression
by Jachary April 9, 2018
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A person who cuts of says "I'm depressed rn gtg cut I'm so sad" but ince you even try to stop them they're all like "OMG U JUST DONT UNDERSTAND ME AND IVE KILLED A PERSON WHEN I WAS FIVE AND I WILL DO IT AGAIN AND MY MOM SUCKS SO DONT EVEN TRY STOPPING ME!!" and if you don't reply they'll be all like "IM STILL GINNA DO IT" .... "ILL DO IT!!" And you're forced to either look like a dick or submit to their wills
"Sierra is *such* a depression wannabe, she always pretends that she kills people and she's cooler than she really is."
by Actually and literally no one October 30, 2017
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Is when you have been married multiple times and have multiple problems. Usually from your first failed marriage that carry over to your other relationships which you never fully recover psychologically leading into Yonnie's Depression
I woke up today with Yonnie's Depression.
by The Fury November 14, 2018
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