A classy way of telling someone to F off.
Yeah man sorry
by Chrisandra November 23, 2021
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This is what you add to your long post to show that

you really don't give a shit to your reader
you just give one potato.

sorry for the long post here's a potato
by Halidad January 29, 2017
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When someone takes something of worth from you and gives you back a bag filled with little pieces of paper that read " Sorry".
I took my Bag o Sorrys to the car dealership man to buy a new car, and he said they have no value! He also said they are a currency from insane people.
by LittleLamb777 June 2, 2018
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when ur trying to be thirsty/a good friend but u can’t decide
B: my arm fell off and now my gf is cheating on me with my pastor
G: aww im sorry fam
by butimnotbitter February 10, 2018
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1. I beg your pardon (vb)
2. To Pity (vb)
I Sorried the poor man however I couldn't give him a handout.
by sorryguys November 11, 2020
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A sorry i’ve changed is a boy who begs multiple girls for lots of nudes every night, because he can’t wank properly and doesn’t wanna use pornhub and when a girl says no he gets beyond frustrated.
a sorry i’ve changed

omg he’s such “a sorry i’ve changed” ugh who even asks for nudes anymore
by cloud :( December 8, 2020
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when someone thinks they messed up and made you sad and doesn't know what the hell to do
Wade probably fucked up, so he says, "i'm sorry paige"
by damnitdamnitdamnit July 8, 2011
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