When something gives off a bad odour
Woah it really seems smelly in here
by Shefail Prasad October 12, 2017
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The describing or an action of something annoying and inconvenient
Person 1: *copies off work*
Person 2: Stop being smelly!
by swagkabob May 10, 2022
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When a female shit's on your leg and your shin blast her in her cunt
The new nurse got the smelly leg yesterday
by ChiefDickems December 28, 2016
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Crusty toast is a sexual act performed by 2 people of same of different sex during intercourse. the first person has to shit all over the second person's chest, let it dry for 2 days while the second person feeds on his own shit and the butt juice from the shit drying on his chest. after the shit dries it has to be scraped off with a knife and put on a toast. voila! now both of them can enjoy a crusty toast on a pleasent wednesday morning!
"Dude, Mike and Molly had a smelly crusty toast this morning!"
by ballssucker2000 March 5, 2023
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They smell but they claim not to even though they catch fish with their bear paws. They are addicted to ice cream and need caffeine but wont have coffee. Sometimes Justin Bieber. Gate keeps mac and cheese.
Ella: Wow, do you smell that?
A fellow rabbit: Yeah, its that smelly Bear. Lets talk about this in the groupchat.
by buuuuuuun January 5, 2022
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an algebra teacher that teaches 7th graders periods 1-5 and 8th graders period 6. Usually found with no emotions. likes giving homework 24/7. makes her students put they’re phone away before walking into the classroom. 6th period is the only period that is dumb, but we can make her laugh and smile so like🤪. always compares her 8th graders to her 7th graders. is always yelling at jojo, yasmin, or daniella. she also sends them out of the room a lot.
Ms. smellie: what are you doing on that phone. put it away
Student: ugh fine*walks into the classroom and takes phone out again*
Jojo: ms. smellie i don’t get this
yasmin: that’s because your dumb
ms. smellie: out of my class. go to mr. supria. you know guys my 7th graders understand this and y’all dont. that’s sad. if my 7th graders can do this than you can
jojo: but the 7th graders are obviously smarter than us
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