1. When a woman embraces a man in bed as a reptile would climb a tree, with desire to kiss his masculine member.

2. When you embrace your partner like a lizard would a tree, and you slowly climb up their body.
I'm gonna Reptilian hug you and climb up your body!
by fathwrong December 21, 2009
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To cup your hands under your man's balls, and gently squeeze as if to give them a hug when greeting them or leaving.
When Rob comes over I like to greet him with a little Ball Hug.
by hugger March 28, 2008
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The act of hugging someone you dont want to be seen with.

Hugging someone who is extremely fat, ugly, or smells like meat
"Damn there is Fat Katie... im going to have to fug-hug her"
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When you hug your boo with your hands on their bum!
A nice tight bum-hug is a great day to start the day!
by rudeboi69 March 15, 2008
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term uttered by RTE broadcaster Ryan Tubridy whilst presenting his first ever Late Late Toy Show on November 28th 2009.
by Fifitrixiebelle November 28, 2009
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The epitome of hugs only given at special moments. Best given immediately and do not put this on hold for long time.
Girl: Aww, I like you. I'm going to give you a maximum hug, but later.
Boy: :(
by Jimtheperv August 16, 2007
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