An alternative to the GameFAQs message board Life, the Universe, and Everything. Usually it is pwned by the user Jaelen, and in the many topics you can see Tippi Tai and Deadpool being brutally pwned. Jaelen is certainly the infamous APe.
Another Place is so friggin awesome, I mean come on Jaelen posts there!
by Anonymous mofo June 10, 2003
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When a person makes it a point to put high quality selfies on their Snapchat story in hopes that their potential date will see it and respond.

Can be shortened to "SPS" for efficiency purposes.
Do you think Eric's snap is an strategically placed selfie (SPS) for me?

I need to put up a strategically placed selfie (SPS) for Eric to see.
by DontTellEric June 28, 2017
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"Lui Bobeanu ii place de Daria". We use this word to ask someone to date us.
Lui Bobeanu ii place de Daria,what do you say? <3
by moisethegod June 2, 2021
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"The place" is the mental state where one simply wants to curl up under a blanket in a dark room and sleep for hours. To be in "the place" is to be that special kind of demotivated, tired and anxious that makes you want to avoid responsibility and the rest of the world in favor of a cozy cave.
Friend - "It's 7am, let's make coffee and go on a hike!"
Me - "That sounds great but I'm in the place right now, can we do it tomorrow?"
by you know December 21, 2020
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a place where niggaz and wiggaz hang around playing table football
by Anonymous July 21, 2003
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A place where no light can reach.
Hacker- He comes from a world beyond our world, a world where nothing is beyond him. A world where the bullies beat down the Casper milquetoastes, a dark, dark place.

Investigator- Well that's a great story, but you really haven't told me shit have you?
by The Original Agahnim January 12, 2022
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