A weirdo who walks around with yogurt stains on them
That yogurt kids got bunda ya know
by MakMak007 November 14, 2020
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an idiot, or just someone that you find annoying
"shes such a yogurt top"
by joshalexben August 16, 2007
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Fluid the consistency of yogurt exploding from a guys dick when you’re in gym class running with the girls
I do my own laundry so my mom doesn’t see all my underwear yogurt
by FabooFlower October 17, 2021
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an edible creamy substance you find at the bottom of community showers. often tastes like semen.
as the water hit mike's fat ass body, he noticed a large amount of shower yogurt on the floor and proceeded to consume the gelatinous jizz substance.
by the forgotten misfits April 9, 2011
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when you ejaculate on to a persons face in the shape of a moustache.
"I want you to give me a yogurt moustache strifetoe"
by Zincster November 14, 2004
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Person 1: Where did Evan go?
Person 2: To get some Frozen Yogurt.
Person 1: What a bitch ass nigga!
by D Ten June 13, 2015
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1 A female that is so dirty that, upon viewing her, one imagines her vagina contains and makes its own yogurt.

2 Nickname for Monica. That bitch is gross!
Bergies girlfriend was so nasty that all the l337 peeps named that shit yogurt cave.

person1: Oh my god i would so hit that!
person2: Ew man that shit is nasty!
person1: Fuck no dude!
person2: Man it looks like her vagina is full of yogurt!
person1: LAWL! Yogurt Cave?
person2: str8 up!
by c-dog and p_c April 22, 2006
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